There’s no sorry in boxing.
You may hear that your first time in the gym and be a little shocked. What does it mean? If you hear that during your sparring session, because you said “Sorry”, just keep moving. Don’t fret about messing up here.
Social conditioning has raised us to be polite and apologetic, even when it’s not necessary. Especially in boxing. But here it’s different.
What else can you expect from your first time at Fight into Fitness? Let’s take you through some expectations to calm any anxiety and help you feel confident.
What to Expect on Your First Day
Arrival and Check-In
Our gym is located at 15213 Display Count, Rockville MD. It’s part of various warehouse bays with roll-up doors located right off Route 355. There is parking in front of the building.
Once you’ve parked, come inside and sign any class waivers and make payment arrangements with either of the coaches. If you are coming from work, feel free to change clothes in the restrooms up front. There are open cubbies to store your personal belongings.
Tour of the Facility
Our gym has everything you need for a great experience whether you are participating in the classes or if you want to work at your own pace. Here you’ll find the following equipment for a great workout. Items are always being added.
- Balls: Bosu, Weighted, and Yoga
- Bags: Heavy, Speed, Double-End, and Aqua
- Battle Ropes
- Boxing Mannequins
- Free Weights, Bench Presses, and Kettlebells
- Jump Robes
- Pull-Up Bar
- Tires
- And More!!
Of course you’ll have the opportunity to get acquainted with our Boxing Ring after getting the proper instruction from one of our coaches.
There are full-length mirrors if you need to check posture on one of the walls.
Meet our Coaches
Having a coach is key when starting a new sport or fitness endeavor. Here at Fight into Fitness you’ll have the opportunity to have one one one support.
During your initial meeting, Coach Angel and Coach Makeda will be there to explain how the gym is run, answer any questions and be there to support you.
Read more about the Fight into Fitness Coaches.
Class or Open Gym
You have the opportunity to try a Boxing Fitness & Conditioning Class and/or attend Open Gym during gym hours.
Boxing Fitness & Conditioning is an instructor led class twice a week for an hour on Tuesday and Thursday. The class switches up each time so you never get the same exact workout (unless you want to go through it again on your own). Class is split into two parts, conditioning and boxing with Coach Angel leading the way.
- Conditioning consists of strength training, cardio and other fitness moves to give you a total body workout.
- Boxing consists of 2 or 3 minute rounds with a focus on speed, power, agility, focus and strength.
Open Gym
If you like to workout solo, there’s a place for you too. Coach Angel will provide you with a boxing conditioning workout and you can go through it at your own pace.
Tips for New Members
Come Prepared
You don’t need to prepare much before visiting us for the first time. As you become familiar with your needs for boxing, you’ll know exactly what works best for you. For starters, all you need is:
- Workout attire
- Gym Shoes (Boxing shoes are fine but not required)
- Towel
- Water Bottle or Sports Drink (There is a water fountain if you need to fill up during class)
Gloves and Wraps
What about Boxing Gloves and Wraps?
If you are coming for the first time and want to try out boxing, don’t invest in those items just yet. We can provide a loaner set of gloves and wraps.
However, if you make the choice to continue with boxing, we recommend you invest in your own personal gloves and wraps. The coaching staff can help you determine the best kind to purchase. During class, a coach can help you wrap your hands properly.
Take a Break
You may feel overwhelmed by the newness of the sport. If you have a habit of giving it your all, your body may need additional time to adjust. Give yourself some grace and do either of the following:
- Take a break on one of the benches.
- Grab some water.
- Go outside for some air.
Be Open-Minded
You may have been in fitness all your life and gone to every fitness class available. But allow yourself to learn something new.
Even if you are familiar with Kickboxing, Karate, or even Jiu Jitsu, remember that the techniques are not the same as boxing. The punches and jabs are not the same, there are no kicks, and the stances can vary.
Be Coachable.
Use this time to step out of your comfort zone and be open-minded. All members and first timers are encouraged to ask questions and seek guidance.
Set Realistic Goals
Boxing is different. You will feel your body react differently with boxing moves. But we don’t want you to feel defeated and stop coming. Remove the following expectations from your mind your first few times of boxing:
- Mastery on Day 1
- Outperforming a seasoned member
- Comparing yourself to others
It’s great to have goals. And we love that! But Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither will your boxing techniques. Enjoy the ride and remember good things take time. Then one day you’ll see that you can hit the speed bag without missing!
Building a Strong Community
Have you ever walked into a new gym and felt like you wanted to get it over with because you didn’t know anyone. At Fight into Fitness you’ll only feel like that for a few minutes. With our fitness community everyone will know your name and remember you when you come back.
Imagine sparring with another boxer and someone yells “Nice Jab Jamey”. And they just met you that day! Here at Fight into Fitness we want everyone to have a great workout, have the support they need and have a good time doing it.
After a few sessions, you’ll be working out with close friends so you’ll look forward to coming to the gym.

Getting Involved
Want to get to know some of the members faster?
- Stay after class and ask someone how long they have been boxing.
- Go to events like watching boxing matches at the gym with members or support a fellow boxer at a fight.
- Come often!
What’s Next?
Now that you have the lay of the land of what to expect from your first class, tips, and gym dynamics, it’s time to make a move. Sometimes you need to see for yourself. No more waiting and trying to analyze every angle.
Book a class or just stop by the gym today. Still Nervous? Bring a friend and experience it together.
Fight into Fitness believes in Boxing, Fitness, Community and Fun. That’s our goal for you once you get here.